5G Course | Sneak Preview

Do You Really Think Everyone Around You Knows What 5G Is?

Do you know exactly what 5G is? I mean, what it really is? Most sane persons should answer “probably not” to this question. But there is help to be found, here at Apis IP-Solutions. Because a while ago, we didn’t know either! Is it a technology? A business case? An era? Or just a hype?

5G Course

We felt the same despair that we believe a lot of people in the telecommunications business feel today when the topic of 5G comes up. Perhaps even you?

We set out to create a 5G Course (5G sytem overview ), for engineers, that would answer these questions as well as give technical descriptions of whatever there is to describe. And let me tell you: we were surprised by how much there was to describe!

Sneak Preview

So, let me give you the sneak preview: 5G is described by many organizations around the world, but when it comes to actually standardizing technology, it’s still 3GPP that does the heavy lifting. Just as with 3G and 4G. So in this new 5G course we cover how vendors, operators and special-interest organizations describe 5G, but the foundation for technical descriptions comes from the 3GPP specifications.

So: 3GPP again. This could lead you to a couple of (incorrect) conclusions. How about “So it’s just another G, just like the transition from 3G to 4G”? Or “So we’ll get higher mobile bit rates than 4G, I guess that’s cool”? Wrong. The 5G system changes more than that.

5G is More

First of all, it does change those things. We do get higher mobile bit rates. But ITU themselves, the global United Nations body that “ordered” the world to build 5G, writes: “[5G] systems will differentiate themselves from [4G] not only through further evolution in radio performance, but also through […] end-to-end flexibility […] softwarization […] SDN, NFV and cloud computing [and] network slicing”.

This is why we in the new 5G System Overview course cover not only the new radio technology of 5G. Of course we do cover radio, with all the new RAN configurations including e.g. dual connectivity (both all-5G and different mixes of 5G and 4G), offload on unlicensed spectrum, 3GPP/WiFi aggregation, non-3GPP access, C-RAN (centralized Radio Access Network) and standalone vs non-standalone deployment.

And equally natural we spend a lot of time describing the all-new 5G core (5GC) architecture and all the new functions therein. Here we learn about all the new ways in which data connections (PDU Sessions) can be set up, modified, split and handed over, in ways that was never possible in previous mobile generations. We also learn about how HTTP takes over the role of protocols like Diameter and GTP.

But we also learn about NFV, virtualization and SDN (Software-Defined Networking) in 5G. We explain “Network Slicing”, a crucial 5G concept, which really requires NFV and SDN to work. We cover MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing) together with the 3GPP concept of LADN (Local-Access Data Network) used to run services close to customers to lower latency and gain local relevance.


Do you feel like, Yes, I want to know more about the 5G Course?

If you come to our “5G System Overview” you will learn what 5G is, why it is and all the ways in which 5G represents such a major shift of thinking, compared to 4G (and 3G and 2G). Welcome!

We hope to see you soon!

The Apis IP-Solutions team

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