Apis Saves the World

Apis saves the world. Well, at least we try to.

Bright green?

To be honest, our everyday work has not always been the most eco-friendly or bright green way of doing things. Apis is a training company, and delivering courses has been our core business. That has meant going to places – offices, auditoriums, board rooms – around the world, meeting a dozen people or so at a time. People who have in turn often travelled from somewhere far away. High score on the airline miles programs, but perhaps not high score for the planet and our climate.

Digital future

Nowadays we are steadily moving into a digital future, where training is conducted and experienced without having to go by taxi to an airport, fly to another country, go by taxi into a city and check in to a hotel where they have to wash all the linens every few days. Instead we deliver training online, as recorded training sessions or live “Virtual Classroom” training courses. This means none of the students need to travel anywhere. And with our top-of-the-line production studios, they still get to see and be engaged by the teachers in full-body view, just like in a classroom.

“We increased the number of courses delivered online by more than 100{ab0bbb36d35f56bd2c9e68629e6e8f1a44a0c9776dc977281f4aeafa2fb487ad} from 2017 to 2018, and we expect to see an even faster growth during 2019.” – Mache Ozeran, CEO of Apis Training

Bright green webinars

During massive online webinars, we often have participants from all over the world listening to the same presentation. Well, that’s not entirely true – parts of the world are sleeping when I’m awake, I’m told. So we usually do two copies of those massive sessions, one for the eastern half of the world and one a little later for the western half. But still, imagine if all those participants had travelled to listen to this speaker! We save a lot of jet fuel exhausts there. Just before the holidays we had a popular 5G webinar that attracted people from 45 countries. That’s almost a quarter of all the countries in the world!

Last minute

Another bonus that comes automatically with good online education is that it’s very easy to join at the last minute. Previously, a student would need time to make travel arrangements before confirming a course booking. This could result in courses not being completely filled, leading to all forms of inefficiencies, not least environmental ones. Now, you can pretty much sign up five minutes before the lecture starts, making use of all available course seats in the best way possible.

So it’s probably just a coincidence, but it’s an indubitable fact that our high-tech green screen technology is the most important reason we can stay such a green company!

We have also over the years spent a lot of money sending printed course material to students around the world (not to mention all the time spent figuring out customs and toll rules to exotic countries), which is also probably something Mother Earth frowns upon.

In addition to this we have printed a lot of other things like lab guides and course evaluations. These days, we provide students with PDF versions of documentation, lab guides and we use web-based course evaluations.

It may sound like we don’t travel at all anymore. That’s not entirely true, we still offer the service we’ve offered the last 25 years: excellent technical classroom training anywhere in the world. We just don’t travel as much, which means we get to spend more time developing and updating courses to the latest technical standards.

In short, Apis is bright green and going even brightly greener in 2019!

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