Did you know that we have a new course update, it’s the LTE Evolution and 5G training!
LTE Evolution and 5G
This new course offers the most up-to-date technical information available regarding the future evolution of LTE and the emergence of new ‘5G’ radio and core networks. The course is continuously revisioned, reflecting the latest LTE and 5G developments. The technical level of the course is set to ‘medium’ and is aimed at anyone interested in what the mobile telecommunications industry is heading towards in the next 5-10 years.
The first session of the new training is scheduled for 10-11 Ocotober 2016 in Stockholm, Sweden.
If you’re interested to follow this training with us, check out our Public Schedule to see when and where in the world we are having this course for you. You can also send us an e-mail to info@apistraining.com and we will provide you with more information about the training.
We hope to see you soon in the classroom!
Apis IP-Solutions Training